ERDiagram 2.docx


Assume your company is developing a generic digital camera online purchasing system that can be sold to different camera stores. An initial analysis phase of the project has resulted in the following informal description of relevant data for the system. A store will be selling a variety of digital cameras and lenses. The digital cameras can have following mutually exclusive optional features: 1. An ability to replace lenses. 2. Cameras with an electronic viewfinder. 3. Cameras with an optical viewfinder. 4. Cameras with an optical rangefinder. Relevant properties of all cameras are the model number, retail price and the number currently in stock. Properties of cameras without an ability to replace lenses that are relevant include a focal length range. Cameras with an ability to replace lenses are related to at least two or more lenses. Properties of a lens that are relevant include the model number, retail price and the number currently in stock. Online customers are either domestic customers or foreign customers. Properties of customers that are relevant include a unique customer number, a customer name, an email address and a shipping address. Each customer may have any number of purchase orders. Each purchase order is for only one unit of any product at a time, either a camera or a lens, and will also have a selling price.

ERDiagram 1.docx

ER Diagram

Consider a database application which provides a web-based platform where students can practice on tasks assigned by the instructors. In terms of design, following are some major requirements: • Instructors will first create their accounts. Relevant details for the instructors are: email, affiliation and name. • Instructors will create Courses and add Students to each course. Relevant details for Courses are: course code, term and year. Relevant details for Students are: email and student ID. • In Courses, Instructors will create one or more assignment and an assignment will consist of one or more tasks. Each task has a grade. ITEC 3220 3 Students will work on Tasks and Assignments and will be awarded grade based on their submission.

write SQL code to create relational schemas for below question?

Consider a database application which provides a web-based platform where students can practice on tasks assigned by the instructors. In terms of design, following are some major requirements: • Instructors will first create their accounts. Relevant details for the instructors are: email, affiliation and name. • Instructors will create Courses and add Students to each course. Relevant details for Courses are: course code, term and year. Relevant details for Students are: email and student ID. • In Courses, Instructors will create one or more assignment and an assignment will consist of one or more tasks. Each task has a grade. ITEC 3220 3 Students will work on Tasks and Assignments and will be awarded grade based on their submission.

CREATE TABLE instructor (

 email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 affiliation VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (email)



 course_code VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 term VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 year VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (course_code)


CREATE TABLE student (

 student_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (student_id)


CREATE TABLE student_course (

 student_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 course_code VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (student_id, course_code),

 FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (course_code) REFERENCES course(course_code)


CREATE TABLE assignment (

 course_code VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 assignment_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (course_code, assignment_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (course_code) REFERENCES course(course_code)



 task_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 assignment_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 grade INT NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (task_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (assignment_id) REFERENCES assignment(assignment_id)


CREATE TABLE task_set (

 task_set_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 student_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 grade INT NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (task_set_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id)


CREATE TABLE task_set_task (

 task_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 task_set_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

 PRIMARY KEY (task_id, task_set_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES task(task_id),

 FOREIGN KEY (task_set_id) REFERENCES task_set(task_set_id)


write SQL code to create relational schemas for below question?

Assume your company is developing a generic digital camera online purchasing system that can be sold to different camera stores. An initial analysis phase of the project has resulted in the following informal description of relevant data for the system. A store will be selling a variety of digital cameras and lenses. The digital cameras can have following mutually exclusive optional features: 1. An ability to replace lenses. 2. Cameras with an electronic viewfinder. 3. Cameras with an optical viewfinder. 4. Cameras with an optical rangefinder. Relevant properties of all cameras are the model number, retail price and the number currently in stock. Properties of cameras without an ability to replace lenses that are relevant include a focal length range. Cameras with an ability to replace lenses are related to at least two or more lenses. Properties of a lens that are relevant include the model number, retail price and the number currently in stock. Online customers are either domestic customers or foreign customers. Properties of customers that are relevant include a unique customer number, a customer name, an email address and a shipping address. Each customer may have any number of purchase orders. Each purchase order is for only one unit of any product at a time, either a camera or a lens, and will also have a selling price.


  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  retail_price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,

  number_in_stock INT NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (model_number)


CREATE TABLE camera_option (

  camera_option_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  optional_feature VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (camera_option_id),

  FOREIGN KEY (model_number) REFERENCES camera(model_number)


CREATE TABLE camera_lensless (

  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  focal_length_range VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (model_number),

  FOREIGN KEY (model_number) REFERENCES camera(model_number)



  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  retail_price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,

  number_in_stock INT NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (model_number)


CREATE TABLE camera_lens (

  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  lens_model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (model_number, lens_model_number),

  FOREIGN KEY (model_number) REFERENCES camera(model_number),

  FOREIGN KEY (lens_model_number) REFERENCES lens(model_number)


CREATE TABLE customer (


  customer_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  shipping_address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)


CREATE TABLE purchase_order (

  purchase_order_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  customer_id INT NOT NULL,

  model_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

  selling_price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (purchase_order_id),

  FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(customer_id),

  FOREIGN KEY (model_number) REFERENCES camera(model_number)


                write SQL code for below question?

The professor number (pnum) and last name (lastname) of professors in the computer science (‘CS’) department (dept) who have taught a student in the course (cnum) ‘CS348’ whose final grade (grade) was less than 60. Winter 2023 ITEC 3220 3 2. The professor number (pnum) and last name (lastname) of each professor in the computer science (‘CS’) department (dept) who has taught neither course (cnum) ‘CS348’ nor ‘CS234’ at any time in the past. Assume current term (term) is ‘F2022’. 3. The professor number (pnum) and last name (lastname) of professors who have taught a ‘CS245’ section in which a student obtained a grade (grade) that is the lowest ever recorded for ‘CS245’. 4. The number (snum), name (firstname) and year (year) of each student who is fourth year (4) and who has a final grade (grade) of at least 90 in every course that he or she has completed in any computing department (cnum starts with letter C). B. For following query you may use aggregation 5. The percentage of professors who have taught or teaching at least two sections of a single course during the same term. Note that a percentage should be a number between 0 and 100, and that you can assume there is at least one professor. 

1.SQL code:


  SELECT DISTINCT prof.pnum, prof.lastname

  FROM professor AS Prof

  INNER JOIN Teaches AS T ON Prof.pnum = T.pnum

  INNER JOIN Takes AS Ta ON T.cnum = Ta.cnum AND T.term = Ta.term AND T.secnum = Ta.secnum

 WHERE Ta.cnum = ‘CS348’ AND Ta.grade < 60 AND Prof.dept = ‘CS’ ;



2.. SQL code:

         SELECT DISTINCT Prof.pnum, Prof.lastname

         FROM Professor AS Prof

         WHERE Prof.dept = ‘CS’ AND Prof.pnum NOT IN (

         SELECT DISTINCT T.pnum

         FROM Teaches AS T

WHERE T.cnum = ‘CS348’ OR T.CNUM = ‘CS234’




3. SQL code:


         SELECT DISTINCT T.pnum, prof.lastname

         FROM Teaches AS T

         INNER JOIN Takes AS Ta ON T.cnum = Ta.cnum AND T.term = Ta.term AND T.secnum = Ta.secnum

         INNER JOIN Professor AS Prof ON T.pnum = Prof.pnum

         WHERE T.cnum = ‘CS245’ AND Ta.grade = ( SELECT MIN(Takes.grade)

         FROM Takes

         WHERE Takes.cnum = ‘CS245’






4. SQL code:

         SELECT DISTINCT S.snum, S.firstname, S.year

         FROM Student AS S

         INNER JOIN Takes AS Ta ON S.snum = Ta.snum

         INNER JOIN Course AS C ON Ta.cnum = C.cnum

         WHERE S.year = 4 AND C.cnum LIKE ‘C%’ AND NOT EXISTS (

         SELECT *

         FROM Takes AS T

WHERE T.snum = S.snum AND T.grade <  90



From the above Four SQL Queries and Relational algebra about professors and students based conditions.

First query finds professor on CS department who taught a CS348 student with grade below 60.

Second Query finds CS Professors who haven’t taught CS348 OR CS234.

Third query professor who taught a CS245 section where a student scored the lowest ever grade for the course.

Fourth query finds the final year student who scored at lease 90 in all computing course that they completed.