Active MQ

Amazon MQ

Create Amazon MQ

Click Started ---> Deployment mode---> Select Single-- instance broker.

Storage Type: Durability Optimized 

Configure Settings:

Broker name: Vprofile-rmq --- Broker Instance type: select (mq.t2.micro)  --- Active MQ access- Simple Authentication and authorization--

Username: give any name but don't forgot this.--- Password: give any name please make a note of it.

Additional Settings:

Broker engine version--- 5.15.12 


 Broker configuration-- create a new configuration with default values---> Logs --- Cloudwatch Logs --- Select both the logs 

Network and Security

VPC AND Subnets:

Use the default VPC and subnet(s)

Security groups

Use the default security groups


AWS owned CMK

Public accessibility: NO

Maintenance Window:

No preference


key    value:

Name    vprofile-rmq01

Project vprofile

Create broker

Check Database its installed once its done copy the end point from database. Our next step is to install instance.

Choose EC2---> Ubuntu server 18.04 --t2.micro-- storage-- tag--configure security group create a new security group---> name: mysql-sg Description: mysql-sg

SSH --TCP---22--MyIP ---> review and launch .

Copy public IP of the instance.

go to github 

  Try this command sudo apt update--- sudo apt install mysql-client -y ------mysql -h paste rds endpoint -u admin -p(password)

we are getting error because  we didn't add mysql security group so now we gonna add mysql security group in backend.

go to instance--security group--inbound rules--add MYSQL/Aurora choose security group of its own.--save rules

Now go to github

try the same command it will bring it to mysql .show database;

Exit from the mysql---- git clone ---> cd to vprofile-project/cd git checkout aws-Refactor---cd src/main/resources/

Try mysql -h paste rds endpoint -u admin -p(password) account <db_backup.sql

it will bring it to mysql.